2004 DX
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January, February


Heard 9J2 & Z22 briefly. No sign of 3B9 :-(


21st Apr 16:25 7Q7SIX/B peaking 599 for 30mins... called CQ on .110 - Z22JE straight back 57 / 57. Nice to chat with Dudley after quite a while - but didn't keep him long - spotted him & QSY'd but don't think he worked any other Gs :-(

May - lots of EU Es but I am very busy QRL so not on much.

9th May 14:00 onwards - nice Es opening to VE and East Coast W.
15th May 17:00 onwards - nice Es to OH, 7Q7/B 579 for 20 mins. EH5, CT, CT3, CU3
30th May Es all day - I get on at 18:00. OJ0SM back to my CQ. Many northern LA SM OH - 3 new SQ KP15, KP34, JP65. :-)

June - two new ones so far!

22nd June 7X0AD - TNX Enrique for the new one #167 - so shocked - didn't have the mini disk running!
23rd June 7X2RO - had the mini-disk on this time!
25th June 7X0AD - Jose - lonely
25th June - good long Es to US - a few new squares in EN. Jimmy J79KV arrived in Dominica mid-opening and worked GMS and northern EU on loop. Nothing in IO70 :-(
26th June Bingooo (as they say) J79KV DXCC#168. Here is his QSO with Dan MW1MFY and later / louder with Bill GW3MFY ;-0.


J79KV: This is a quick summary of my expedition to the Commonwealth of Dominica. I am using a 7 el M2 ant. on a 40 ft boom and running about 700 watts. The location is on a cliff over looking the ocean, about 150 ft above sea level. During the past 3 1/2 days, have worked about 344 different stations of which 257 are European. Have worked 5 continents and a very large number of stations over 5000 miles away. Today band was open to Europe at 6:30 am local (10:30 gmt) and video was still here 14 hours later. Please look for me on 103.3. Will be here thru Sunday. QSL via my home QTH w6jkv.....thanks for QSOs and or for trying. Jimmy, W6JKV
Tuesday, June 29 2004 at 01:44 (GMT)



3rd July PM - missed PJ7M - working (yes, I do sometimes!)
3rd July - BIG Es opening to USA20:30 - 23:00 155 W / VE stns in the log. All on the mini-disk but will take time to process!
4th July - missed PJ7M and SV2ASP/A - friends round for drinks.
5th July YESSS! - PJ7M SSB first call on a quiet band. 30 mins later they called me (only sig on their band) and I grabbed a CW QSO later still they went to beacon mode and peaked 599
6th July 16:00 PJ7M loud agn + big Es opening to KP4 & USA 21:45 - 24:00
8th July Big Es into EU 19:00 then PJ7M and W/VE 19:30 - 24:00
26th JUly 12:40 KP4EIT 19:00 - 21:00 EU /OY Es. 21:15 HP1AC, KP2BH, FG5FR, FG5GP,WB4LTR, PJ2BVU.



DECEMBER  -shhhhhhhhh

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