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EA8/G8BCG - IL39

For EA8/G8BCG Moon Bounce JT65A EME Initials - click here


QSL info: G8BCG IO70RK WAB SX26 Cornwall
Peter Taylor, The Byre, Coombe Farm, St Keyne, Cornwall, United Kingdom, PL14 4RS

Please note that all my logs are on LoTW. This is my preferred method of confirmation.
I also offer direct QSL via OQRS.
I am also happy to QSL direct on receipt of your card + SAE + US$3.00.

*** Since 1/1/2023 I no longer send or reply to any QSL cards via the Buro.***
*** The increasing use of "automated" buro QSLing for EVERY QSO (particularly from DL) has led to my decision on this - IMHO QSL for every QSO is a stupid waste of paper, time and money.***

accept IRCs.
offer OQRS Buro
use EQSL

use QRZ LogBook

send or respond to "Digital QSL cards" sent via email.

H44PT: My last operations as H44PT were March / April 2000

Portable location 600m asl

  Google Earth
click picture for larger static image or click link below for live Google Earth zoom

Holiday home on the beach
- see www.famara-lanzarote.com
Good take-off to the west from EA8/G8BCG
  Google Earth
click picture for larger static image or click link below for live Google Earth zoom



Details of my 6m activities from IL39 Lanzarote (IOTA AF-004)
Click here for the EA8 (Canary Islands) 50 MHz Firsts List.

Year to Squares Fields
(click for map)
  year total year total year total
2006 108 108 20 20 35 35
2007 118 226 5 25 7 42
2008 29 253 1 26 6 48
2009 2 255 2 28 0 48
2010 20 275 6 34 9 57
2011 54 329 10 44 14 71
2012 59 388 6 50 9 80
2013 18 408 2 52 4 84
2014 40 448 2 54 7 91
2015 6 454 0 54 0 91
2016 1 455 0 54 0 91
2017 35 490 3 57 10 101
2018 :-(            

ODX terrestrial: 19040 Km. CW & SSB with ZL1RS in RF64VS on 02/12/2013 at 22:48z (TEP/F2/ES?)
ODX EME: 19040 Km. JT65A with ZL1RS in RF64VS on 04/11/2014 at 04:12z
(was 18328 Km. with ZL3NW in RE66HO on 29/11/2013 at 15:13)

DXCC Entity: Callsign QSL QSO
4O (Montenegro) 4O6AH 07/05/2017
4X (Israel) 4X4DK 30/03/2014
5N (Nigeria) 5N7M 12/11/2011
5T (Mauritania) 5T5SN 26/06/2006
5V (Togo) 5V7TH 01/12/2013
6V (Senegal) 6V7Q 06/11/2011
8P ( Barbados) 8P6PE 27/05/2012
8R (Guyana) 8R1WD 07/11/2011
9A (Croatia) 9A2PT   24/06/2006
9H (Malta) 9H1BT 03/04/2014
9J (Zambia) 9J2RI 17/11/2011
9Y (Trinidad & Tobago) 9Y4D 16/05/2010
C5 (Gambia) C5YK 26/05/2012
CE (Chile) CE4WJK 01/05/2011
CN (Morocco) CN8KD 15/11/2011
CT (Portugal) CT1HZE   24/06/2006
CT3 (Madeira Is.) CT3DL/P 24/06/2006
CX (Uruguay) CX9AU LOTW 06/11/2011
CU (Azores) CU3EQ 23/06/2006
D4 (Cape Verde) D44TD 19/03/2010
DA-DL (Fed. Rep. of Germa) DK1MAX 24/06/2006
E7 (Bosnia Hertzegovina) E73DN   12/07/2017
EA-EH (Spain) EA3AYK 24/06/2006
EA6-EH6 (Balearic Is.) EA6SX 24/06/2006
EA8-EH8 (Canary Is.) EA8BMG 12/06/2006
EA9 - EH9 (Ceuta & Melilla) EA9IB 08/06/2008
EI-EJ (Ireland) EI3IO 27/06/2006
F (France) F6KHM   14/06/2006
FG (Guadeloupe) FG5GP 16/05/2010
FJ (St Barthelemy) FJ5DX 29/05/2008
FM (Martinique) FM5JC 16/06/2007
FP (St Pierre) FP5BU 18/06/2007
FS (French West Indies) FJ5DX 16/06/2007
FY (French Guyana) FY1FL 13/05/2010
G, GX (England) G4PCI   24/06/2006
GD, GT (Isle of Man) GD0TEP 27/06/2006
GI (Northern Ireland) GI0BFD 11/06/2008
GM, GS (Scotland) GM4FAM 27/06/2006
GU, GP (Guernsey) MU0FAL 25/06/2006
GW, GC (Wales) GW3ORL 24/06/2006
HA, HG (Hungary) HA8CE 24/06/2006
HB (Switzerland) HB9HLM 29/05/2012
HC (Ecuador) HC5CR 30/03/2014
HC (Ecuador) HC5VF LOTW 13/11/2011
HH (Haiti)
claimed HH-EA8 50MHz First
HH4/W3CMP 26/06/2006
HI (Dominican Republic)
claimed HI-EA8 50MHz First
HI3TEJ 26/06/2006
HK (Colombia) HK3DES 13/11/2011
I (Italy) IZ0ERI   14/06/2006
IS (Sardinia) IS0AWZ   13/07/2017
J6 (St Lucia) J69MV 26/03/2014
JA (Japan) JG2BRI   05/11/2017
K,W,N, AA-AK (USA) K1TOL 14/06/2006
KP2 (US Virgin Is) NP2B 16/05/2010
KP4 (Puerto Rico) WP3UX 18/06/2007
LA-LN (Norway) LA8HGA 24/06/2006
LU (Argentina) LU8EMH 20/03/2010
LX (Belgium) LX2LA 16/06/2007
LZ (Bulgaria) LZ2WP   11/07/2017
OA (Peru) OA4TT 06/05/2011
OE (Austria) OE9ICI LOTW 29/05/2012
OF-OI (Finland) OH1MLZ 24/06/2006
OK ( Czech Republic) OK2ZI LOTW 29/05/2012
ON-OT (Belgium) ON4IQ 24/06/2006
OY (Faroe Islands) OY4TN 07/06/2008
OZ (Denmark) OZ1JXY   29/05/2012
P4 (Aruba) P43A 26/05/2012
PA-PI (Netherlands) PA2V 24/06/2006
PJ 2, 4, 9 (Bonaire, Curacao) PJ2BVU LOTW 02/06/2008
PJ5-8 (St.Maarten, Saba) PJ7TM 26/06/2006
PY0 (Fernando de Noronh) PY0FF 19/03/2010
PY (Brazil) PP5XX 19/03/2010
S0 (Western Sahara) S01WS 04/11/2014
S5 (Slovenia) S57RR 24/06/2006
SA-SM (Sweden) SM7FJE 24/06/2006 & 27/01 2013 EME!
SN-SR (Poland) SP5EWY 24/06/2006
SV (Greece) SV1DH 15/06/2007
SV9 (Crete) SV9CVY   11/07/2017
TF (Iceland) TF2CL LOTW 29/05/2012
TJ (Cameroon) TJ3SN 13/10/2013
TK (Corsica) TK5MH   09/07/2017
TN (Rep. Congo) TN5SN 23/03/2010
TR (Gabon) TR8CA 30/3/2014
TU ( Cote d'Ivoire) TU2T 06/11/2011
TY (Benin) TY2BP   03/04/2014
UW (Ukraine) UW8SM   05/06/2013
V4 (St.Kitts & Nevis)
V4-EA8 50MHz First
V47KV 26/06/2006
V5 (Namibia) V51YJ 29/03/2014
VE, VO, VY (Canada) VE1YX 26/06/2006
VP2V (British Virgis Is)*claimed
VP2V-EA8 50MHz First
VP2V/W7XU 26/06/2006
VP8 (Falkland Islands) VP8WOS   09/11/2017
VP9 (Bermuda) VP9GE 23/05/2012
YO ( Romania) YO2NAA   09/07/2017
YT-YU, YZ (Serbia) YU1LR   24/06/2006
YV (Venezuela) YV4DDK 16/06/2007
Z2 (Zimbabwe) Z24EA 12/11/2011
ZB (Gibraltar) ZB3B 10/06/2008
ZD7 (St Helena) ZD7VC 13/10/2006
ZD8 (Ascension Is) ZD8I 15/10/2006
ZL (New Zealand) [first terrestrial] ZL1RS 2/12/2013
ZP (Paraguay) ZP5SNA 6/11/2011
ZS (South Africa) ZS6NK 07/11/2011

EME initials

EA8/G8BCG EME INITIALS:  For QSO Screen Grabs click here:  EA8 EME Screen Grabs

Callsign QSL QSO
 W7GJ 25/11/2006
K6MYC 28/2/2007
N5BLZ   28/02/2007
W1JJ   01/03/2007
K2ZD 26/11/2009
N7NW 07/11/2012
K6QXY 07/11/2012
SM7FJE 27/01/2013
W6BBS 17/10/2013

N3XX 19/01/2014
ZL1RS 04/11/2014
KB8RQ   30/04/2015
K4PI 30/04/2015
KG7H   30/04/2015
W5ADD   12/05/2014
N8JX   12/05/2014
S57RR   18/12/2016
F6BKI   18/12/2016
W3UUM   19/12/2016
4O6AH 07/05/2017 Moon rise!!
JG2BRI   05/11/2017 Moon rise!!
ZS6NK   05/11/2017 Moon rise!!
ES6RQ   07/11/2017
OH7KM   08/11/2017
VP8WOS   09/11/2017
W9JN   10/11/2017
JA7QVI 12/11/2017 Moon rise!!
OH6MIK   13/11/2017 Moon rise!!
JG1TSG 13/11/2017 Moon rise!!

EA8/G8BCG 50MHZ QSL info:

QSL info: G8BCG IO70RK WAB SX26 Cornwall
Peter Taylor, The Byre, Coombe Farm, St Keyne, Cornwall, United Kingdom, PL14 4RS

Please note that all my logs are on LoTW. This is my preferred method of confirmation.
I also offer direct QSL via OQRS.
I am also happy to QSL direct on receipt of your card + SAE + US$3.00.

*** Since 1/1/2023 I no longer send or reply to any QSL cards via the Buro.***
*** The increasing use of "automated" buro QSLing for EVERY QSO (particularly from DL) has led to my decision on this - IMHO QSL for every QSO is a stupid waste of paper, time and money.***

accept IRCs.
offer OQRS Buro
use EQSL

use QRZ LogBook

send or respond to "Digital QSL cards" sent via email.

H44PT: My last operations as H44PT were March / April 2000

since 2/10/2014:
Flag Counter
G8BCG / H44PT SMIRK Member # 4780
Make More Miles on VHF
G8BCG UKSMG Member # 1570

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