W7GJ - EA8/G8BCG - First ever
50MHz EME QSO from EA8??
Planning, Faith, WSJT and a little bit of luck!
EA8/G8BCG -W7GJ EME page
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Lance W7GJ and I both believed that with the right conditions,
good ground gain and a bit of luck, it should be possible to complete a JT65 eme
QSO with only 100w to a 6M7JHV.
An initial
attempt in October 06 was unsuccessful - Lance did
not copy me at all - I only copied him at very low angles from 3deg to zero and
below! We put this failure down to good tropo condx here at the time.
A further sked was arranged for Saturday 25th Nov - not ideal
conditions but I was there and could be QRV. Prior to that on, Friday 24th, I
did a test with Mick W1JJ from 15deg to zero - with only very poor copy from him
- disappointing:-(
To maximise the chances of success
I remoted my IC7000 and psu on the roof by the antenna - thankfully it didn't
rain and the wind dropped so that I could get the 6M7JHV up to about 8m with a
clear view across the flat plain.
Here is a view from the 6m7 with the moon in
view just to the left of the mast, then the same view by daylight - I take the
6M7JHV down in daylight hours;-).
Also a picture of "the shack" - not much to see
as it's all on the roof! AND ALSO - THE QSL CARD:-) |