2005 DX
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W7GJ click for large image

January, February Shhhhhhhhhhhh!


13th March My First EME QSO on 50MHZ :-)

W7GJ click for large image26th March - 2nd EME QSO K6MYC


7th April - copied my own echoes -24dB


12th - 19th May WSJT / EME DXpedition to GJ GJ8BCG/P

22nd May Nice Es opening to Carib 12:30 - 14:00: Wkd - FM5JC, FJ5DX heard  KP4EIT, 9Y4AT/B, YV4DDK also A45XR @1420z

26th May - 9th June G8BCG/EA8 :-)


Returned from EA8 on 9th.
Good Es on 10th, 11th

12th: KP3A, FG5FR, KP2A, WP4NIX, KP4EIT, FJ5DX, FM5JC, KP2A (long chat), NP3CW, FG5FR (long chat), HI3TEJ, KP4YI.

16th: FP/N6RA

18th / 19th Good Es to Eu

24th CY9SS in weak for 20min from 15:00

25th June - 3rd eme QSO K7BV also heard KR7O at -17

26th June - 07:00 sked with KR7O - terrible condx - his best -24 - no QSO :-(
- 18:00 J68AS comes out of noise 18:13 J68AS 559 / 419 fk94 (callsign doubtful on this QSO - so worked them again 3 days later).

28th June - J3/K5AND - G3WOS G3ZYY - G6ION

29th June - Jimmy in briefly - but no QSO yet V31IV CQ


1st / 2nd / 3rd July CY9SS in/out V31IV in/out :-(

4th July 11:44z CY9SS 559 /559 YES! Thanks to Charles EI5FK for the recording!

6th July 09:05z A61Q 559 / 559 (he was 59+ for about 1 hour after my QSO and also in on SSB - didn't dupe just for the mode. But A45XR was also in on SSB and lonely - so I did get him on SSB;-)


The month of the HA permit - my first HA on 1/8/05 HA9OZD for DXCC#173 - many others throughout the month - let's hope it's a permanent allocation soon.

Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec

Generator stolen end of August - QRT for a while!!!

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since 2/10/2014:
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G8BCG / H44PT SMIRK Member # 4780
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