2007 DX
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Jan - Mar
- all quiet - just Ms and EME

- good Es on several days including for RSGB 1st 50MHz contest on 22/4/07

- a good start to the season - excellent Es across EU & N Africa on 1st & 2nd.
- 02May 07 17:57 ST2A KK13 559 / 559 for # 179
- 09May07 late night opening to Caribbean / Central America 3hrs from 20:00z
- 09May07 21:50 8R1WD GJ06 for #180
good Es virtually every day ST2A big sig on SSB 15May
- 26May07 intense short skip then 9Y4 @20:12 followed by big NA opening 20:20 - 21:38
- 27May07 10:30 EY8MM in weak - not worked:-( Then from 11:30 open to Carib ALL DAY and by 18:00 open to A71 and FM simultaneously.

- a good month of Es with some excellent trans-Atlantic openings
- my week in EA8 resulted in 4 new countries and a lot of new NA squares (plus a huge sack of QSLs waiting for me in the UK)

- 01Jul 07 - J8/W6JKV - heard Jimmy briefly
- 02Jul 07 J8/W6JVV 559 / 559 first call for #181

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