2010 DX
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Jan - Apr
Not active

23/05/10 - A92IO a big EU wall and local QRN but finally in the log 55 #191
24/05/10 - TL0A an easy 599 CW and 59 SSB but boy what a pile-up # 192
31/05/10 - E4X after several days of weak sigs and EU wall an easy 599 # 193
Band open all day all directions - huge NA opening in evening

June This is probably the best Es season I have ever known lots SSSP in both directions
01/06/10 - E4X 59 on SSB:-)
02/06/10 - XE2WWW hard work for a new # but confirmed same day on LOTW
06/06/10 - JT0YAB 599 for #194 plus new filed & square:-)
08/06/10 - SSSP to JA and also XV  - not worked:-(
09/06/10 - huge JA opening in the morning

17/6/10 - Nice single yagi - single* yagi EME QSO with Gene KL7/KB7Q for #195 plus new field. *This was also a "portable" to "portable" EME QSO:-)
18/06/10 - The usual stuff to the Carib plus, earlier than last year Dennis 5J0BV 559 at 13.26
19/06/10 - Finally after years of missing him - EX8MLE 599 for #196
20/06/10 - AM: Some good long haul Es to the NE JAs + BA7IO OL73 and BA8AG OM20 for a new Major Field
20/06/10 - PM: A Major northern opening to Mid West and West Coast USA (mainly for Northern and Eastern EU) - many stations inc WA7FPO in DM54 on SSB for a new grid

July Lots of Es - not much time

August - still lots of Es - still no time
10/08/10 - Tests with W7GJ - best -9 (yes -9) at 1degree with still good copy -24 at minus 1 degree
11/08/10 - KH7Y BK29 via eme for DXCC 197, Field 92 and Square 892 best -19

September - still lots of Es - still no time -

19/09 - 1/10/10 In EA8 for 2 weeks - TEP ZD8 beacon every night > 2100z. LU and PY in a couple of nights >22:00z. Copied 3D2LR eme 27 / 28 / 29/ 30th but no QSO with EA8 QRP:-(

02/10/10 - after days of good reception and calling from EA8, 3D2LR in log at 1st attempt from IO70 Thanks for new Field, Square and DXCC # 198 Lance
05/10/10 - Lots of Es across W Europe and fine EME condx also - 4 further new initials W7CE, NN7J, JR6EXN, VK7JG


since 2/10/2014:
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G8BCG / H44PT SMIRK Member # 4780
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G8BCG UKSMG Member # 1570

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