2012 DX
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Gales and rain kept my system tied down over Christmas and up to 10th Jan - then some excellent eme conditions on 11-14th resulting in new initials with VE1JF, KD7YZ, PY1KK and K7XQ plus...

13/01/2012: CE/K2LZQ DXCC # 208

19/01/2012 - amazing 3 hour afternoon/evening Es opening across EU

Some excellent eme conditions on 6th resulting in new initial with Jack OA4TT at an amazing -16 / -17 as his moon came up over the Andes:-)

On the 7th I had an easy eme QSO with Bob ZL3TY just as my moon rose through 0.5 degrees:-)

05/03/2012 - "almost" worked KH9/WA2YUN on my moonrise
06/03/0212 - really loud echoes on my moonrise and an easy EME QSO with Colin KH9/WA2YUN DXCC # 209
06/03/2012 - good afternoon TEP - heard V51PJ briefly @ 17:00z

Some good TE through the month - ZS and V51 worked several times but so far missed A2:-(

26/03/2012 - really loud echoes on my moonrise and an EME QSO with Bob VK9N/ZL1RS DXCC # 210 despite 5.6dB degradation

07/04/2012 - an easy EME QSO with 3DA0FC for DXCC # 211
New eme initials with PE1L PC5C and VK4CZ
Some decent F2 and A TEP down to AF but so far managed to miss the ones I need incl A22 and 3B8 plus of course TJ.

Good EME conditions at the start of the month with new initials LA3EQ, JM1SZY and C5YK.
F2 / TEP to S America on 1st and pretty much every night - but marginal in UK
6O0CW in on 10 / 11 and beacon heard on other days but no QSO so far - despite below:-(
13/05/2012 - good opening to FR4 / 3B8 15:00 - 16:00 - worked FR4 missed 3B8:-(
15/05/2012 - ZS6WN @ 15:00 (skew path) then 3B8DB for DXCC # 212  559 CW both 3B8DB and FR4NT peaked 59 - had a nice ssb qso with Cyril FR4NT. 3B8CF was also a very good signal on CW but sadly completely deaf - hundreds calling him - cq cq cq cq...
15/05/2012 16:50 ST2AR and J28A both  on 101 CW - worked both I think;-)
15/05/2012 17:00 opened to S America (still open to Indian Ocean) LW3EX, LU1ECZ worked, many PYs heard.
15/05/2012 18:49 C5YK 59++  6V7SIX/B 599++ many weak PYs & LUs

Lots of good multi hop Es as expected - but also a busy start to the month so missed some good ones inc Darko in 6O:-(

09/06/2012 - big opening to USA and carib.
10/06/2012 - 9K2YM (finally) for DXCC #213 more USA inc brief West Coast opening abt 17:00z from PA / DL

Lots of good multi hop Es and finally some decent openings to USA including a spectacular one to med West and West Coast.

08/07/2012 - an nice EME QSO with Philippe FO4BM for DXCC # 214 Probably a G and EU first for French Polynesia on 6m.


03/08/12 Nice little opening to S America CE LU PY etc
08/80/12 Easy eme QSO with Bob ZL1RS on my moonset for Field # 103
10/08/12 D64K on TEP for DXCC # 215 What an opening for Josep and the team on day 1 of their DXPedition!
11/08/12 D64K on EME for DXCC # 30 on eme Josep is doing a FB job:-)


09/09/2012 first moonrise for Lance E6M on EME for DXCC # 216
14/09/2012 Lance in every day so far except today - perhaps he wasn't on for his MR.
Also no trace of NH8S on eme - nobody seems surprised;-)
However, What a bonus:
KH7T worked on eme in BL20 for new field # 104
Then, just after my moonset, V5/HB9PHJ in JG88ER
worked on SSB via TEP for a nice surprise.
One day in September (18th) 3 new initial eme QSOs UT7QF, PA3HP and VE1JZ in about 1 hour - that's 2,300,000km!30/09/2012 Some decent real TEP (NOT Es enhanced) to V51 and ZS6 - over 3 hours of a-TEP

1/2 Oct - ATEP only just making it to S UK
3/10/2012 Nice easy EME QSO with Mike KL7AR - new to eme with GU84 and 2 LFAs - big sig!
10-13/10/2012 long openings to TT8 and 5U then just enough time on 13/10 to get TJ3AY on CW forDXCC  # 217
22/10/2012 Some reasonable TEP with PaUL ZS6NK UP TO 579

Nov / Dec
13/11/2012 15:20 W6BBS new EME initial
14/11/2012 some good AuEs with TF3ML 59++


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