2014 DX
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2nd Went to field to check systems and run generator for first time in 3 weeks. Quadrantids seemed to be working well - 14:00z to 15:00z 9 JT6m QSOs 8 DXCCs with 150w / 7ele GW, GM, G, I, EA, CT, DK, SP :-)

28th Amazing long path and East - West QSOs in the TEP zone but very little this far north.

1st  Again some daytime F2 East - West QSOs in the TEP zone but very little this far north. Worked ON4GG on EME for a new initial:-)
2nd Nice EME QSO with Bruce PY1KK on his moonrise -22 at best. Then on my moonset a new initial with K7RWT (OR) -28 plus another "almost" with FW5JJ due to noise my end - getting frustrating!
20:00 - 9J2T in on 102cw from kh43 but very weak.
3rd another EME "almost" with FW5JJ due to noise my end - getting frustrating!
4th Great F2 midday opening to S Africa - over 90mins of S9+ signals from ZS6 here and prop out as far as EI but didn't quite make it down to ZS1. Worked ZS6A 59, ZS6NK 59, ZS6WN 599, ZS6A 599, ZS6BTE 579. Been working on my noise problem with a very co-operative neighbour - the issue is a UV lamp power supply in an out-building - built a temporary Faraday screen and it's certainly killed a few dBs - now for the "production model"
WOOHOO  DXCC # 227 FW5JJ on EME @ 22:15 and 0deg elevation.
5th 4 nice EME contacts W7GJ, K2ZD, N3XX and KD3UY new initial
10th 59 300ml+ QSO with Neil G0JHC testing his new LFA also nice chat with G3OHH and G3TCT
13th an evening on JT6m 8 QSOs
16th S58P on JT6M
17/3/2014 On the edge of something big - lots heard but only 1 ATEP QSO ZS6CCY 59  ZS6AYE
18/3/2014 Morning ZS to China bodes well for later. ATEP big signals from ZS6 so tried JT65 and (after a deal of confusion my end JT65A / JT65HF) worked ZR1ADI in JF95ku - my 1st ZS1 and a new Major Field #109 Also TR8CA on JT65.
19th Big afternoon opening to ZS again ZS4AYE ZS6NK, ZS6EZ, ZS4TX/6, ZS6TQ, V51B. Then an early evening surprise: Good strength CW QSOs with LU5FF, PY2XB and PY1RO
20th Afternoon opening to ZS again plus strong EU backscatter @160deg. Worked LZ1QI, EA4ZK, F4EZF, DF9TF, EA6BB and I5IAR. 6V7SIX/B in at huge strength for over 2 hours mid afternoon.
21st Condx not quite reaching here but ZD7VC/B in briefly 20:00
22nd I was not on much by C5YK working pile at good strength 16:00 - 17:00
24th A whole afternoon of ATEP to ZS6s again  ZS6A in KG47 for a new square, plus XT2AEF IK80JH (another new square) in on SSB for over 80 mins from 15:30 peaked a real 59 for about 40mins 6V7SIX/B 599+ (YouTube) again plus D2EB 57 and at the same time FR4NT in but only 41.

Late March early April 50MHz Band Report from IL39 Lanzarote Canary Islands
27th March. Arrived at house mid-day. Set up shack and erected 6M7JHV around 16:30z
16:45 First QSO D4C 559. C5YK in 579 scatter 220 and CE8B 599. Then 17:30 – 18:30 9Y4VU CW, FG4NN 59, 9Y4VU 59, FG5FR 599, EA8DBM backscatter, J69MV 59, 9Z4AMA 59.
21:20 – 21:50 LU5FF 599 + beacons 6V7SIX, TJ3SN/B, LU5FF/B, CX1CCC, LU5FTF, ZD7VC, ZD8VHF, LU5EGY, LU8DCH etc (Same most nights so wont mention again).

28th 17:30 – 18:00 Beacons PR8ZIX, FM1ZAC, FY7THF,J88ARC + QSOsa with 9Z4AMA and 9Y4VU.
from 20:00 ZD7VC Bruce loud with his new 3ele LFA
From 21:00 TJ3SN loud qtf 090 + misc LU, PY, CX. At this time TJ3SN was working FK8 and VK4 over the top of me – guess that will be reported elsewhere. Band stayed wide open to PY LU CX until at least 0200z (0200 local) at which point I fell asleep.

29th 19:00 CE3SX 19:50 – 20:50 New prop mode Mountain Scatter (knife edge?). I am screened to the East in fact 020deg to 180deg is really bad due to steep cliffs (see picture – view 090). I heard ZS6EZ weak on CW and peaked on him 090deg! We worked 599 and then followed ZS6NK, TJ3SN, V51YJ and S57RR plus TR8CA and D2EB heard at good strength. A case of never say never!
21:00 – 23:00 all of PY LU etc huge sigs plus classic F2 long haul “squishing” noise all over band.
23:00 LONG PATH to Pacific 260deg. First day with a new 4 x 7 M2 array for Alex EA8DBM He is way south west of me and was working the world to the East and then to the West – I believe he worked 2 or 3 VK4s. I “almost” worked Scott VK4CZ and also heard Remi FK8CP over this path. 6W1SR and TJ3SN worked several VKs OA4TT beacon in from 00:30 for > 1hr 599. CP4BU heard 01:35 but not worked Band stayed open until > 02:00z.

30th early evening 17:00-18:00 HC5CR, HC5VF, YV1DIG all good sigs direct path.
19:45 via 090 “mountain scatter” ZS6AF, ZD7VC, ZS6AYE, and WOO HOO 4X4DK on the key for a new one (scatter path seems non-reciprocal as Ami was good sig here). QSO repeated 1 hour later to be sure!.
21:00 – 23:00 all of PY LU CX as usual – mostly on 110! 22:25 TR8CA for a new one via the mountain.

31st 15:45 – 16:00 J88ARC, FM1ZAC plus chat QSOs with 9Y4D and 9Y4VU on 115.
20:00 big action to east of me – lots of EA – LU QSOs audible on scatter via mountain. 20:30 EA7KW working ZL1RS 21:10 ZL1RS CQ CQ good sig here direct path 220deg for 15mins. Then an evening of the usual PY / LU but no sign of the VK / Western Pacific path at 260deg.

1st April usual evening beacons and PYs / LUs plus ZP5SNA. Dale CE2AWW in from around 2200 working Mediterranean stations. Also 4X4DK on mountain Scatter again 090.
2nd usual evening beacons and PYs / LUs plus CE2AWW. 4X4DK in on backscatter QTF 170 / 180 for about 30mins.
3rd April 18:00 HK6F 59/59 20:30 – 21:00 worked IG9/I2ADN, 9H1BT and TY2BP (all new ones) plus I5CTE on backscatter qtf 180

Back in IO70
5th April 13:55 V51YJ/B loud and early. Good backscatter QTF 200 worked 9A2AA, PA2M, F8ZW. Then worked C5YK 59+, J52HF 55 and heard 6W7RW 59+  Misc recordings: C5YK CW C5YK SSB J52HF Pile
16:00 more BS worked F1UJS, F2BLQ, F5BZB, F6BKI, IS0GQX and IG9/I2ADN BS220 (with some deliberate jamming from Italy:-) plus CU3AN on scatter.
17:00 ZS6NK with BS callers and others good sigs/

7th 18:35 Bruce ZD7VC worked 55 / 55 he peaked 59+

9th Quiet night on TEP but two nice new initials on EME: KD3UY and UZ5DZ delighted to give Vlad his first 6m EME QSO

14th 6V7SIX/B in loud from 17:50 then C5YK 599 a few minutes later for about 45mins. Two nice new initials on EME: Oliver DJ2TX (DXCC # 54 via EME) and Hannu OH3DP. Delighted to give Hannu his first 6m EME QSO with just 150w and a 6ele.
15th ZL1RS spotted ED7YAD/B at 20:22z and within minutes, alerted by this, he had worked EA9 (!) and EA7. The value of beacons and
the stupidity of the 50MHz IARU Region 1 Band Plan

5th May A big night for TEP into G. I was not QRV but on my HF vertical at home in the valley I heard 19:20 LU5FF 559 also 19:35 LU9AEA weak on 110 working USA - amazing.
6th May TZ6BB in for a couple of hours and very busy. EME condx very good so had a quick QSO with Lance W7GJ on his usual CQ EU moonset session. Then from 20:30 Very localised TEP opening LU5FF then ZP6CW and ZP5SNA all very good signals. Weak ZD8VHF but no other TEP signals. Rounded off the night with a perfect new EME initial with KG7H

7th May Es season has started! Big afternoon signals from across Europe plus a brief extension to ZS4TX worked at 17:00z. ZP5SNA heard CQing at 20:00z
11th May 20:25 CE3SX heard working EI6JK 20:50 FG8OJ briefly heard CQ on 110 SSB
12th May Good late afternoon Es to SE Europe
14th May Excellent late afternoon Es. Worked EA9, ZB2, CN8, EA7,6,5,3,2, LY, SP, DL, CT, HA, 7X, OM then from 19:30z PY3KN, LU5FF, PP5XX, PU3LYB, PY5QW and PY2DL.
15th May - a quiet evening!
16th May 16:45z 9J2BO heard 439. 17:00z A25GF heard 319 under southern EU pile A rare new one missed:-)
17th May morning Es lots worked including LZ2015KM SSB and UX1BZ CW
18th May late afternoon Es focussed on Italy from here many 9++ stations worked. Evening opening to S America. PY, LU, ZP heard.
19th May Some late afternoon Es across EU with some multi hop and linkage to TEP. Many QSOs inc 4X1IF, Z21GF.
20th May another afternoon of strong Es At 15:57 heard S01WS (Western Sahara) calling CQ on SSB - called him but did not hear reply due to callers. Spent the next 40 minutes listening to the pile and making infrequent calls. Then at 16:40 bingo! A small peak combined with a drop in backscatter S01WS 59/59 (contest reports :-) for DXCC # 228 (This recording also has some excellent examples of backscatter from other callers.) Excellent linkage to TEP with 9J2BO way over S9 at times and Z21GF not far behind - both in for over 1 hour.
21 May A quiet day in IO70. Strong evening Es to IH9. GI and PA worked on tropo for the UKSMG Marathon then at around 2020z worked CU1EZ very loud and heard FG8OJ 41 in QSO with him.
22 May Nice start to the day Z3/PA3FPQ worked on EME for a new initial and Country # 55 on EME. Europe wide afternoon/evening Es plus an early opening to S America with some PYs and LU5FF in from18:25z
23 May S01WS with a big pile at 18:50. A brief opening to Carib with FG8OJ worked 419 @ 1952. Then from 20:00z the evening TEP session with CX8DS, CX4CR, LU3ARE, LU6DRV and LU2FE on worked SSB plus PP5XX on CW. with many more heard on 50.110 SSB but impossible to work - why does most of S America seem to be "crystal controlled"?
24 May Not QRV but good opening to FG and 9Y
25 May Italian Contest with EU wide Es then repeat of 23 May in the evening.
26 May Very unstable 2/3 hop Es across EU for most of the day. 13:55z FM1XAC/B in for a few mins. 17:16 4X4DK worked 599 and down to noise in seconds. 20:11 EA8CTF wkd 59 then gone. 2013 CT3NA wkd 57 then gone. 20:30 CE3SX wkd 59 up and down for 30mins 20:43 CP6UA hrd clg CQ on 140 20sec only. 20:45 CE4WJK wkd 55 in for 2 mins only.

Note: In the full blown Es season I don't intent to report "everything" here - just the bits I find interesting;-)
1st - 8th in EA8 on a real holiday - did not work much on six.
10th Very early Es and JA DX for some 08:15 EA8DBM 599 BS QTF 040
11th Es around EU
12th Es around EU then from 19:00 FS/K9EL, NP2X, WP3UX, KP4EIT
13th Es around EU then 17:00 FG5GP, FG9OJ
14th Early SSSP to JA. JH1ASR and JE1BMJ heard. Did I really just work a HL?? Seems not - just a joker:-(
15th Good early morning two hop opening to A45 and EU Es all day. 19:35 j6/G0JVG (finally!)
Late in the evening we finally noticed that the OY and JW7 beacons were booming in on there new "might as well be closed down" frequencies!
16th WooHoo T6DD 5NN 5NN in for 30sec DXCC #229 on a "dead band" then a day of widespread multi hop Es across EU/ME and out to A45 then an evening of Carib and NA: KP4, FS, FM, FG, HI, YV, 9Y J6(not worked)  plus 2 log pages of Ws worked mainly on CW. QRT at 22:15z with band still open to West and East into EU!
17th Early morning opening to A92 and A45 - band empty apart from 4X4SIX/B. A92 and A45 in / out all day amid massive EU Es. Band opened to Carib  around 12:30z AND STAYED WIDE OPEN until after I went QRT at 21:50z. Also open (scatter?) to US. 16 COUNTRIES WORKED: A4, A9, CO, DL, EA, EI, G, HI, J6, K, KP2, KP4, VE, YV, ZF. Two pages of NA QSOs. All of EU heard!
18th Es all day. !7:40z N3LL EL86 only sig on band. 18:30 S01WS
19th a few QSOs on 70Mhz
20th Good  morning two hop opening 9K2GS worked at 10:40. A92HK, 9K2WA. 11.17 JH6CDI cq cq 319. Evening dead band then CS3BSM beacon, 60HZ in-band video QTF 240 and J38DR weak at 20:40 but up to 59 later on SSB. 4 9Ys on the band all working EU! 9Y4VU, 9Y4D, 9Z4BM, 9Z4AMA.
21st Watched the Summer Solstice sun rise twice! on Bodmin Moor first from Rillaton Barrow and then 8mins later from The Hurlers - I thanked the sun god for recent propagation:-) Small early afternoon opening to USA. Then RSGB and IARU R1 Contest. DX window full of "CQ TEST" and, here at least, made unusable to the west by a +-40kHz wide contest station in IN79:-(
22nd Morning: A couple of JAs and 6M6M heard through the contest QRM. 10:50z - worked TJ3SN on what sounded like ES + scatter this end. 11:15 S01WS calling CQ loud on 130 but drowned by contesters. Small mid afternoon opening to USA then in the evening Intense Es with big sigs on 70MHz from EA, CT and EA8 plus on 50MHz KP4EIT, FS/K9EL (loud) and ZD7TC (weak). Early night!
24th 82 QSOs in Activity Contest incl several Carib.
27th Es as usual 18:00 Then Carib - heard J38DR, CO8LY, FG4NN, 9Y4D, KP4EIT, etc.
28th Es as usual 19:26 7X2JV 59++ 1930 Then Carib - heard J38DR, KP4EIT, NP4BM etc.
29th A day of intense but mainly single hop Es. Early evening weak opening to Carib and even weaker W4. Then at 18:32z called by D44TS - he was in for the next 3 1/2 hours. Worked FG8OJ on JT65 @ 19:24z and then PY0FF at 19:50 very weak. (It seems PY0FF is not QRV on 6m so either my bad CW or another joker:-( [I'm getting tired of this!]
Intense backscatter. Called by ZY14RR (World Cup!!) at 20:30 listen to the early callers he was in for the next 1 1/2 hours at up to 59+ ! (More loud callers - is your QSO here?) 21:55 CU1EZ still 59++ - went to bed:-)
30th Another day of intense but mainly single hop Es. Various 9K2 + JY in from 16:00. NP2X + carib 17:30, YV4NN 19:30 19:40 S01WS loud. Also 3A2MW Then 19:55 OA4TT-G8BCG-G3ZYY OA4TT More QSOs  ZY14RR ZY14RR-more  (both in for a couple of hours!!). Finally OX3LX on EME for a new initial and country via that mode. QRT 22:20 local early night.

1st Not QRV
2nd Only QRV briefly for to help Alex EA8DBM set up his EME system and give him his first QSO - and a new EME Initial and Country for me - welcom to LONG path Alex:-)
3rd BIG Opening to JA. I apologise for some of the obvious broken calls - I am NOT a cw operator and I find this very hard:-( Some recordings of QSOs- JH4IFF JA4FHE JR6EXN JA5FFJ JE6AZU JH5KDY JA5QJD JH3LBD JG3QZN JJ6WZS JA4OK JQ6RUP JA6GGD JH6BPG JQ6RUP JA5NPV JK6ERV JA6PBO JA6PCH JA2WYN JH2UVL JA2VFH JJ3PRT JA6VQA JA2FJP  JA6DSG JE6KYA JH6BPG UN3M JE2PWN JA3FGJ JN3ONX JA6JEW JF3KON JF4OZR JA3GN JJ3PRT JA3APL JA4EPE JH6NKZ JA2FBY JA4FKX - wow what a pile 115 QSOs in the log. JA9SSB+JA pile AND I was called by HL3DE nice 559/559  for DXCC # 230.
My signals in JA: with JH6BPG with JA3FYC
EY9T Big Es all day with JY4CI and FG8OJ in at same time late afternoon.
Then in the evening 9Y, KP2, KP4, TF2MSN 8P6SH FG4NN NP3IR, and OX3LX
4th 14:08 TR8CA then a dozen or so USA on CW - not QRV in the evening
5th  14:00 a dozen or so USA EM EN then contest:-(
6th 08:50 - 09:25 Gave a few contest points away on 70MHz. 09:25 - 10:40 T6DD in again CQ 419 - 559 plus UN3GX MN83. 15:00 small opening to USA
9th 9K2 on SSB for a new square LL49
11th 19:45 - 20:30 a little Puerto Rico opening - worked NP4A and KP4EIT SSB and then NP3CW on JT65
14th Heard KH8/W7GJ on EME during my first 3min window - exchanged callsigns but did not complete.
15th 07:15 Worked K6EME for new initIal #114 then an easy QSO in the first 5 mins of our window
KH8/W7GJ on EME @ 08:03 and 2.8deg elevation for DXCC # 231 (#58 via EME) and EME initial # 115:-) As ever, Lance is doing an amazing job!!
16th EJ7NET 559 on tropo from IO51GK EU121 Cape Clear.
17th 10am good copy from KH8/W7GJ right down to minus 1.0 deg of moon here. Worked N8JX EME on my moonset.
18th 09:35 HA7TM EME initial #116 then 10:00z big Es to OH etc worked OH0CO and a string of OHs.
19th Again good copy from KH8/W7GJ he hit his 50th QSO this morning.
20th A few EME QSOs in the contest and two new initials: YO9HP #117 and HA6W #118. Big 1 and 2 hop Es around EU all day and a small opening to NA from 15:30. EU still wide open at 20:00 with inter G short skip.
21st Good copy again from KH8/W7GJ despite intense Es. Decided to check out the NA path - things developed from there: 200+ NA CW QSOs 13:00 - 21:00 with a long break for dinner. Grids worked DM, DN, EM, EN, FM, FN, GN
22nd Nice opening to JA 12 CW QSOs and JG1TSG on SSB 55/55 TNX Kazuya san. Also nice sigs from BA4SI in the middle of JA opening TNX Li. Another nice NA opening 12:30 - 13:40z some big SSB signals.VO1KVT K1IED
23rd Another day of afternoon and evening openings to USA 30 or so SSB QSOs in afternoon then another 36 on CW in the evening including many 7s, 8s, 9s,and 0 and a couple of genuine CM grids.
27th OA4TT and UZ5DZ on EME plus a lot of northern EU and EJ0PL on CW / SSB
28th VK7JG on EME
29th W8PAT on EME then 70MHz contest

Things beginning to quieten down!
2nd IW5DHN with his new 4 * 9ele on EME -14 off the moon - seems to be working Matteo:-)
10th LA3EQ, S59A and OH8MGK on EME
11th EME attempt with VK4WTN QRP Almost! EME attempt with JR1LZK Almost!
12th EME attempt with E51WL QRP Almost! EI9E on JT6m for new SQ IO41. LA3EQ on EME nice sigs again
13th K5N in DM71 NM via EME for new square and initial #119.
24th EME QSOs with VK7JG, EA8DBM, K7RWT and new initial #120 K8OC

6th KG6DX via EME for new country #59 and initial #121
7th EA3AKY via EME for new country #60 and initial  #122
8th LZ2CC via EME initial #123 + further EME QSOs with S59A and OH8MGK
9th EME QSO with W7GJ then amazing IONO QSOs CW and SSB with S59A
9th - 10th another EME night low path loss but bad Faraday rotation:0( VK8MS loud but we failed to complete. Heard VP8NO good signal but he failed to complete with HA0DU. 4 new initials were a good compensation:
VK4WTN #124, VE1PZ #125, NW0W #126 and W9RM #127 
12th 17:25 TY1AA in/out on 130 - CME having its effect. 17:35 TY1AA 539 on 103 up
14th C5YK and TY1AA both worked on CW at decent strength. FR4NT in briefly around 19:20z
16th TY1AA in on both CW and (briefly) SSB. Also ZS4TX/6 with 5w in for about 45seconds working CT
17th Again TY1AA in on CW again. Worked first Zs of the season ZS4TX/6 599 briefly - in for over an hour +other ZS.
18th ZS4TX/6 in and peaking 599. ZS6AYE worked on SSB. PST61 Rotator failed (again) - stuck on S Africa;-)
19th Nice evening opening to ZP and PY but I had to QSY to LooeMusicFestival :-)
20th Early start for EME Initial #128 with Marc VK8MS out all day at LooeMusicFestival :-)
21st afternoon EME QSOs with N3XX and OA4TT plus big sigs from TY1AA and TJ3SN then evening at LooeMusicFestival :-)
22nd quiet band - what a surprise!
23rd TY1AA very loud again on 103 around 15:00z Es assisted. 86 QSOs in 70minutes of RSGB contest:-)
24th - 29th 50MHz DXers BBQ

30th - sleeping!

Oct - see the months global 50MHz DX in review here
2nd 17:00z C5YK 599 working UK
3rd very localised opening to S Africa with ZS4TX/6 peaking 599 at 19:20 (even copyable when he was beaming 4X and KP4). 19:52 1min copy of OA4TT/B on F2 - amazing. Then LU5FF and CX1AAA/B briefly as band died. BUT EI4DX worked LU,CX,PX at 599 - localised!!
5th Good sigs from ZS4TX/6 again + some traces late evening from PY
6th Excellent EME Condx. Good copy on VP8NO in EME sked. Worked Kari OH2BC new initial #129
7th Excellent EME Condx. JR1LZK initial #130 and KB3SII initial#131 on border of rare grids FN56 / FN57
8th Good TEP condx but not QRV - gales and thunder:-(
9th EME Initial #132 YO8RHI - his first EME
10th Nice afternoon F2? opening to W Africa C5YK 5NN 14:45
11/12th at RSGB Convention
13th C5YK 599 @ 15:45
14th LU5FF 419 briefly @ 19:40
15th early afternoon A-TEP opening to ZS - just on the edge here
16th - 19th not QRV
20th ZS4TX/6 in again peaking 559 around 15:10z
22nd 18:03 FY7THF/B 419 for 10 mins then gone. 18:10 - 19:00 PY3KN ssb - LU9DO ssb - CX5CR ssb - LU5FF cw also heard CE3SX All sigs had slow deep QSB. At 19:44 I found ED1YCE/B IN83 50.445MHz and ED3YCA/B IN73 50.4455MHz both Northern Spain and both LOUD on TROPO. I think this confirms that my TEP QSOs were Tropo assisted at this end. I guess these beacons had been there all night but on these stupid freqs they are next to useless:-(  *** HEPBURN Tropo forecasts for the evening of 22/10 cfm path from SW G to EA.
23rd FY7THF/B in again from 18:10z for 15mins but no other signals:-(
24th some great long-path if you were in the right place:-) But my night was spoiled by this:
RSGB Nov 2014 RadCom page 18: I though it was a joke - but no - a serious proposal (and test details) of 1.5MHz wide TV on 6m from G8ADM: "as these bands sometimes have little use the occasional use of ATV is unlikely to cause problems" and " Only the top 1.5MHz of the (6m) band is used, leaving the bottom 500kHz completely free for SSB DX and beacon use" !!! Click Here for details
25th some great long-path again if you were in the right place:-) TEP not quite making it to my location.
26th C5YK in for over two hours including very strong sigs whilst  CQ NA LU3XX in here briefly but no QSO (S EU wall) Then ZS4TX/6 very loud again. UK fell off the edge of the TEC map before the evening TEP / LP opportunities kicked in.
28th Plenty of activity for the RSGB activity night flat band - 80 QSOs 13DXCCs including a nice IONO scatter SSB QSO with Pat 9A5CW for mu ODX:-)
29th C5YK very loud around lunch time
30th C5YK loud again 15:30z ...
31st HB0/DL8YHR on EME for initial #133 and EME DXCC # 61

1st Z21EME on EME for initial #134 and EME DXCC # 62
2nd - 16th In IL39 Lanzarote not very active but managed a few new ones and heard briefly FK8CP:
4th New EME Initial with Bob ZL1RS Bob is now my ODX from EA8 on both terrestrial (SSB/CW) and EME (JT65A)
4th worked S01WS on backscatter 240deg for #91 from EA8
Heard S01WS again on backscatter 7/11
Not very active since my retuirn from EA8 on 17/11.

Start of the UKSMG winter marathon - worked so far ZERO:-(
1st-20th not QRV
21st - 23rd 3 days of nice afternoon F2(?) openings to NA after X2 flare on 19th - nice Christmas present:-)

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