Click for previous years 1999 -
1st Seems that my skimmer was celebrating the new
3rd continued
6th-12th In EA8:-)
17th - erected a single 7LFA whilst rebuilding eme system.
11:30z 85mph - 135km/h wind gust - 7ele now in many pieces across
9th More
high winds 80MPH+
15th Finally some decent calm WX - new 4 * 8el OP-DES Array
nearing completion.
22nd OP-DES array tuning complete R=50 X=0 @50.200 Big EME echoes and
first 2 terrestrial QSOs EI7BMB and EI3KD
3rd Just worked Warwick E51WL on 50.190 for EME country # 65 and DXCC #
234 and Field #111 on 6m :-) Happy Bunny
4th First period of EME activity from FT4JA - translation from pilot:
"They have had the trace of G8BCG but not its RO therefore not yet EME
QSO. No other person except trace of the G8 " close but no cigar!
5th Another frustrating day with FT4JA - exactly same as yesterday - no
QSO. Really hope that they get some rewards for all this effort.
Still no QSOs off the moon for FT4JA - though they hit -18 (loud!)
here at one point today it was W7GJs turn to send "RO" until moonset:-(
7th Almost 1 hour of solid CQs off the moon from FT4JA - many callers at
speaker signal levels here but no response to anyone.
8th Last EME day for FT4JA same as previous CQ CQ - great shame they
didn't get at least 1 QSO after so much effort. I believe that they only
decoded 2 stations over the whole week G8BCG & W7GL
amazing EME Condx but not much activity - W7GJ best ever -7 LOUD in
speaker. Big EU opening for 3B9FR - on the edge here only a few seconds
5th My skimmer had a busy day and I spent 2hours glued to 50.105 for a
20sec burst at 15:58 from 3B9FR - just enough to exchange callsigns /
rpt :-)
focussed single hop Es but no trace of 3B9FR. Delighted to give UR0MC
his first 50MHz EME QSO
8th Some Es and then a nice Aurora which by 20:45 was
way West at 290deg
9th / 10th not much
11th TY2AC in for about 45mins from 1800z up to 599. I went QRT at
20:45z but my skimmer never sleeps: Not bad for a vertical!!!
12th Lots of mainly single hop Es across EU all day.
I8KPV EME Initial #150 at -22 off the moon and -18 direct off the back
of the array.
13th widespread Es all day - out to UK8 and EY8
14th widespread Es all day - UK8 and EY8 loud and a brief appearance of
VK8MS - EI3KD copied also - no QSO
15th widespread Es all day - out to UK8 and EY8
15th some odd links to DU and VK but mainly afternoon single hop Es
16th widespread Es all day
17th - 18th quiet days
19th Lots of mainly single hop Es across EU all day. Spent a while
listening to pings from UB7K
20th First morning JA<>EU (Med) opening of the season
21st - 23rd nothing special.
24th A flat band but good fun in the evening RSGB activity contest 137
QSOs. ODX S57RR on SSB iono plus GS3PYE/P on CW tropo / iono.
26th UK8, EX and EY in from early morning. Then DU7/PA0HIP and a string
of Chinese stations. Managed to sneak a very scratchy QSO with Willem at
11:10 through the EU Zoo! "11:49:07 DU7/PA0HIP Willem (G8BCG)
Hi Peter, was amazed to hear you so strong! long way to IO70" The
intense Es continued all day and ended with FM5WD at 599+++ TF / OY and
intense short Es to PA etc
27th Intense Multi-Es to BV throughout the day mainly into S EU.
Widespread Es in EU. Late night (21:00z) opening to KP4, FM5 and YV / HC
- weak here but EI5DQ was having fun!
28th Amazing to see that EA8DBM has the Far East path again 10:00z -
must be chordal hop - way north. S EU to China path open all day until
15:00z Then some carib in the evening - 4 new squares:-)
29th BY pat open early again KG6DX into UT 06:20. First NA opening of
the season.
DX Map says it all!
30th Got up for moonrise at 01:30z - great condx no activity - went back
to bed - missed start of early G-JA opening 05:45z.
few By / BV QSOs and one new square - but mainly gardening and BBQ:-)
31st Early BV/BY and a bonus of JT1CO for many (only 319 here). Then a
day of mainly single hop Es but with D4C/b 599+ late morning and again
early evening.
(in June / July I do not report all
Es - just too much)
1st An interesting start - my skimmer never sleeps: G8BCG I0JX/B 50004.4
CW BCN 6 dB 10 wpm 0019z 01 Jun - that's 01:19 local!! "Usual" BY / BV
morning path. Afternoon D4C/b very loud but nothing to the West:-(
2nd Hours of JT1CO! Chak was still working into EU at 02:30 his time,
3rd 05:30z and Chak just worked EA7KW - amazing. 06:00z and Chak is now
working into OH / LA. Conditions died rapidly:-(
6th FS/K9EL in from around 2115z - just as I was closing for the night.
7th 09:10z TY2AC LOUD 21:00 YV5KTM and 9Y4D loud no sigh of FS/K9EL
8th 06:30z VK4MA into SM, DL, PA and OZ - very weak and patchy here.
This is Es but not as we know it! Es all day - nice Carib opening in the
early evening but then died. Good EME.
9th OZ1DJJ working DU1GM 04:50z - here we go again. A good early start
but did not develop fully. UK8OM and EX8M lound but JT1CO did not make
it to EU
10th Several JAs in/out (and working EI!). A92GE a huge signal for over
1 hour around 10am also A93JA. 11:00 UK9AA & UK8OM 599 EU Es all day.
Very light early evening opening to US East Coast plus
PJ4NX on CW then
SSB also
TF3ML/P crazy loud for almost 2 hours.21:20 and its Carib time! all
of KP4 plus NP2, FS etc. Some amazing chordal QSOs to US west coast from
CT / EI.
11th Some BV / BY activity plus "usual" EU Es. Then from 16:00z - 18:00
and 19:30 - 20:30 PJ4NX, PJ4VHF, VP2EIH, NP2X, WP2B, NP2J, YV6CR, KV4FZ,
YV4DYJ, NP4A (plus the KP4 gang:-) 21:00 - 23:00 10 EME QSOs incl 2
new Initials: W3UUM and SM5P.
12th I was not very active before 1800z.S01WS in loud for 2 hours also
SV2ASP/A - a good day for many. VE9AA ion from 2100 - but bed time for
13th Wow what a day. Alerted by my skimmer to A92GE. JT1CO briefly then
from 13:00z a huge NA opening >150 QSOs including a string of new
squares in DM field. West Coast opening in several waves 14:50 - 19:30.
Lots of activity on JT65A from West Coast.
14th A much quieter day but still, with no indicators at all a late
afternoon JT65 CQ at 300deg yielded several west coast stations and 2
new fields. Condx were very volatile and JT65 is just too slow. Many
stations were at CW level but I was not able to find any CW activity:-(
"I heard your CQ this morning at 1651 GMT on 50.276 JT65. You were
-18db here in DM54 in Arizona. You were the only station heard from
Europe this morning. Just wanted to let you know you were heard. Was
going to call you but never heard you again. 73 Rick WB6ZEJ "
Good news for those needing IO70 - A sudden
increase of 6m activity locally in Cornwall: G4EOG, GK4WQL, GK7KFQ,
GK4KAW, MK6FWV all seen CQing on JT65 in last couple of days. [GK is a
temporary special prefix for this county it is NOT a DXCC entity!]
15th / 16th / 17th Relatively quiet days with just single hop Es
18th June - 2nd July cruising Norway:-(
(in June / July I do not report all
Es - just too much)
1st / 2nd July - still on holiday:-)
3rd Tower now back up - a few QSOs at end of UK VHFNFD
7th Nice EME condx - 2 new initials for 2 new EME DXCC entities YL2CP
and GW4WND
10th Early evening opening to NA K7BV 599++ and a few JT65 QSOs
16th An amazing early morning multi-Es opening to Thailand sadly no QSO
through the EU piles and deliberate CQ/jammers. However, it just shows
what could be if/when HS gets a permanent 6m allocation. Click on image
to see E20WXA CQ at -01 !
17th a "normal" day of Es. Brief late night opening to US: VO1FU/B
50073.0 CW BCN 3 dB 16 wpm 2138z 17 Jul
27th Called JT65 CQ with no takers for 20min - copied by K5AZZ EL09 but
he was not in the shack until 20mins later - I knew the band was
(in Aug I do not report all Es - just
too much)
8th Es around EU all day and
then an amazing 4 hour evening opening to N America - band was still
open at midnight local with some BIG signals - even on my skimmer /
9th Another amazing day of Es and a good afternoon
opening to NA plus brief whispers of HH1AA on 105 cw. EI9E worked on
iono for new square IO44
15th great afternoon and evening openings to N America out as far as
DM34 QSB too rpid for JT65 at times - JT9H would be perfect - if only
there was more activity! Band still open at 23:45 local - but my eyes
were closing:-) Excerpts from a good night on a vertical:
18th Good
signal from Lance T8GJ for DXCC 236, EME DXCC
68, New Field, New Grid:-) Download T8GJ JT65A signals here
to test your software:
From Lance:
I got up again at 0300z to try for EU as my moon had come down a lot by
then. It took a lot of work to try to keep the ant on the moon in
the high winds . However, the moon was visible much of them.
I cpmpleted with IW5DHN, ES6RQ, S57RR ,ON4GG, ON4IQ, G8BCG, OH2BC,
GW4WND and I THINK GD0TEP (don't know for sure if he got my final RRR).
Copied but not wrkd were S59A, G4BWP, & EA8DBM.
19th Another
night for EU moonmen with good signals from Lance
23rd Worked IS0/I0JU for EME
DXCC# 69 and EME Initial #157 Almost completed with EA6SX
but he did not get my RRR as Es got in the way:-( Bust evening with 148
QSOs in the RSGB / NAC and then worked GD0TEP
for EME DXCC# 70 and EME Initial # 158
27th Nice QSO with AC0RA
this morning with degredation at 5.9 for EME
initial # 159
30th V6M for DXCC 237, EME DXCC 71,
New Initial 160 and New Grid:-)
From Lance: During moonset, I
worked HA0DU, G8BCG, F6BKI, HA7TM, EA8BDM, and S51V. I copied
ZS6NK, EI3KD, LZ2WO, F5LNU, and saw several other traces I could not
Bonus day: 2 more new EME Initials W9JN
#161 and W6SR 162
SEPT (Celebrating 15
years this month since I was awarded my DXCC on 50MHz)
6th 140 QSOs in the 144MHz activity contest. Excellent tropo conditions
with Fernando EA8TX as my ODX at 2658km
17th A great night on the moon: 3B8/ZS4TX for EME
DXCC #73, NT0V and KR7O for EME initials #164 & #165. And then, to round
off the night MY FIRST 144MHZ EME QSO with Rene PE1L:-). 144MHz EME
continued: RW1AW, ES3RF, RX3A, S53K, UA3PTW, JE1TNL, UX5UL, UN8L(?),
My second day on
144MHz EME: OH2BYJ, SM7GVF, F5AQX, N0KE (not
complete), KK6FAH, JR3REX, I2FAK & JH0BBE then managed to blow up
my 144MHz pre-amp:-(
19th 50MHz new wet square JO07 from GM6VXB/P. 144MHz EME without
pre-amp: PA5Y, ZS6OB, G4SWX, DK9WI
20th 144MHz EME JP3EXR
7th 21:45 first TEP of the season CT1 - PY2
10th new 144MHz EME Initial / DXCC EA6VQ. Copied many callers for S9YY
11th new 144MHz EME Initial DK3WG
12th new 144MHz EME Initials I3MEK and OH3KLJ
13th 3 new 144MHz EME Initials ZS4TX, HA8CE, ZS5HV. Strong GMs on Aurora
then VY0SNO/B in/out for 30min on AUEs
14th 12 new 144MHz EME Initials
15th 4 new 144MHz EME Initials
16th 3 TY2AC very loud and very popular on 6m plus new 144MHz EME
18th Back on 23cm after a gap of 43 years:-)
Active only on 2m, 70cm and 23cm!
Not very active except for a weekend trip to EA8 and
3 new 50MHz EME Initials:
18th Dec: EA8/G8BCG <> S57RR, F6BKI
19th Dec: EA8/G8BCG <>W3UUM