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H44PT 28th March - 9th April 2000

  H44PT QSL Card

H44PT back on 6m after a short break:(16years)

I left the UK on 23rd March 2000 and, after a two day stopover in Brisbane I arrived in Honiara on Monday 27th March.

Operations on 50MHz commenced on Monday 27th March at 12:05z. My first QSO was Tim V73AT 59+++ on a wire dipole inside my hotel room!

Full details and Audio from this DXpedition and my time in H44 in Cycle 21 can be found on my H44PT website.

since 2/10/2014:
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G8BCG / H44PT SMIRK Member # 4780
Make More Miles on VHF
G8BCG UKSMG Member # 1570

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